I spoke earlier to how Matthew was in constant motion. He actually had asthma as a baby - the way that I knew that he was sick is that he was still. If he was breathing....he was running. We spent many long hours in the Emergency Room with a Nebulizer - unfortunately, Medical would not pay for the home version at that point. The winter months were always frightening as an asthma attack could lead to a bout of Pneumonia within days. On one trip to Disneyland, we ended up back home in the MD office most of the day trying to keep Matt out of the hospital. None of this seemed to hold him back, however.
Matt seemed to move effortlessly from sport to sport. Every summer brought a different focus that he would become almost obsessive about. His first love when he was in grade school was skateboarding. He would practice tricks again and again until he perfected them, many times making older boys stare in envy. He was fearless - jumping off the roof, sliding down railings...and never breaking a bone. I've said before, God protects fools and children....I'm not sure which category he was falling into.
Matt played baseball for several years. He rotated between being a left handed pitcher, 2nd base and outfield. He loved the game but hated the parental politics that always seemed to follow the sport. When he made All Stars the last year that he played, he ended up having scheduling issues. He had taken up fishing and had a deep sea fishing trip planned with a family friend. He was being forced to choose - fishing won. He finished out the season and never seemed to look back. There was always something else to do, anyway.
One summer it was surfing. Eric dropped off a group of boys in Cardiff every day on his way to work. He picked them up at the end of the day. Matt would come back wet, tan and tired.....and would get up and do it all again the next day. Surfing ended up loosing out the the sport that lasted the longest....
BASKETBALL.....Basketball outlasted everything else - and is still Matt's favorite today. It has unfortunately been a bit unkind to him lately...he has lived through an ACL tear, Meniscus tear, and two surgeries. We spent another hour in the Intermediate Care again last night, and are expecting that another surgery may be coming. It doesn't seem to matter...he will keep playing. For Matt...it's all about the movement. I'm hoping that he earns a great deal of money in his future....he may need it to replace all of his joints at some point!